The Story of Rhythm

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-952472-08-4
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9967682-4-5
eBook ISBN: 978-0-9967682-8-3
Rhythm is a talented little girl who has the ability to play musical instruments of all types from around the world. Join her as she performs for family, friends, teachers as well as members of the animal kingdom. They are all fans of Rhythm! And you will be too!

The World of Rhythm is a wonderful children’s picture book written by Patrick Adams. It follows Rhythm, a talented young girl with a passion for music. The story follows Rhythm as she plays different musical instruments for her family and friends. The book is a fun and comprehensive guide that showcases musical instruments from all over the world. With the colorful illustrations, the book is a must read for parents who want to introduce music to their kids!
- Review by the Book Excellence Awards


Rhythm Star Dimaguila Adams was born over 2 months prematurely on May 20th, 2015. She struggled for life. Doctors were not sure she would make it. But like a warrior, she fought and pulled through.
When she was 7 months old, she began experiencing seizures. Sadly, she was diagnosed with a rare and dangerous form of epilepsy called Infantile Spasms. For the next year, she battled not only seizures, but the horrible side effects of the usual epilepsy pharmaceutical drugs. All we could do was watch as our little girl stopped developing, was always drowsy, and unknown to us, her liver slowly being destroyed.
We made the decision to ween her off those drugs and try CBD oil. Slowly but surely, our daughter began returning to her playful and happy self. In January 2016, Rhythm arrived in the USA. Not long after her arrival, the seizures stopped. While still behind in development, she is happy, playful and catching up on lost time. CBD oil, for Rhythm, was a miracle that we prayed for.
This book is dedicated to you, our beautiful Rhythm. We want your story to bring hope to all other parents with a child struggling with Infantile Spasms.